This is Wind of Stillness.
The purpose of this blog is to share ideas, so we can look inside and find what we already are and always were. While self-realization is important, like a strongly established foundation, we can't stop at the foundation; we have to build the house as well. It is my understanding that to only realize the Self is not sufficient for a life of purpose; we have to keep growing in the foreground of stillness.
Why not just stop, go live in isolation, and wait until the end of days? Well, this is a path, and there is nothing wrong with it; we each have to find our own way. However, I believe that we can all learn to live in community while maintaining our spiritual practice. With this, we find our sense of purpose that is Self-created. Here, "Self" implies that the universe is fulfilling the purpose through us.
I hope I can share my world so it enriches yours. I truly want all human beings to experience their higher Self and purpose. Please take all I say with a grain of salt. The words have global meanings, but for each individual, they have a particular meaning, so they're bound to be misunderstood. Take what makes sense to you and always follow your intuition.
Don't forget this: You are existence itself, you matter, and you have purpose.